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Featured image for “Managing a Back Pain Flare-Up”
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 Fitness Athlete
 Low Back

Managing a Back Pain Flare-Up

It happened again, that sharp/stabbing pain in your low back when you bent forward to pick something up. You know what happens next… For the next few weeks, you’ll be managing this flare-up. You wouldn’t believe how common this is, in fact, back pain flare-ups happen to almost everyone at some point in life. Here’s the problem: many people aren’t...
Featured image for “Best Exercises for Quad Strength for Runners”
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 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Best Exercises for Quad Strength for Runners

Too many runners leave major performance gains on the table and suffer from far too many injuries by not strength training at a level that supports their sport. For those performing strength exercises, we often see the movements performed at intensities too low to help improve their fitness. For example, you’d never follow a training program that maxes out at...
Featured image for “Top 5 Myths of Low Back Pain”
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Top 5 Myths of Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the number one reason for disability worldwide and is the most common musculoskeletal disorder physical therapist treat.  Unfortunately, much of the information about low back pain circulated is out of date and incorrect.  This misinformation sadly causes many people to suffer too long.  We hope this article will help clear the air and get you back...
Featured image for “Stretches for Low Back Pain”
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 Low Back

Stretches for Low Back Pain

It happened again. That sudden sharp pain in your low back. Maybe you were picking something up off the floor and felt a twinge. On the other hand, maybe it was an awkward movement during your workout. Whatever the reason, we’ve laid out our favorite stretches for low back pain to help fast track your recovery and get you back...
Featured image for “Does Your Baby Bump Do THIS During Core Exercise?”
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 Fitness Athlete

Does Your Baby Bump Do THIS During Core Exercise?

“Doming” or “coning” are ways the belly shape changes if the task is TOO challenging for the core during abdominal workouts. Learn how to modify your workouts to ensure you’re not over-doing it & causing more harm than good....
Featured image for “CrossFit After Shoulder Surgery”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Low Back
 Lower Body
 Neck Pain
 Upper Body

CrossFit After Shoulder Surgery

Since your initial injury, your mind is flooded with thoughts of getting back to your gym full speed. You’ve been longing for the day post-op to finally start Rx’ing workouts again. But yet you’re stuck drowning in anxiety from what you can and can’t do. Returning to snatches, kipping pull-ups, toes to bar, and muscle ups is a daunting challenge...
Featured image for “Hip Impingement Treatment”
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 Fitness Athlete

Hip Impingement Treatment

Hip impingement is a frequent condition we see in athletes due to the demands that many sports put through the hip joint in full ranges of hip motion, repetitively. Even people who aren’t athletes commonly get irritation at the front side of their hips. Unfortunately, we see a lot of cases of hip impingement in the later stages and often...
Featured image for “Best Calf Strength Exercises for Runners”
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 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Best Calf Strength Exercises for Runners

Increased running mileage have you feeling like you’ve got to constantly stretch your calves? Maybe you’re in need of some targeted strengthening for these muscles instead! We rely heavily on our calf muscles to propel us while running, yet with many of our runners dealing with Achilles or other pain, we find they’ve rarely (if ever) focused on training these...
Featured image for “Best Hip Strength Exercises for Runners”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Low Back
 Lower Body

Best Hip Strength Exercises for Runners

With the great weather lately, it’s no surprise we’re seeing more and more runners out working on building their mileage! Many of the common faults we see during our in-depth running form analysis relate back to a lack of lateral hip strength (the muscles on the side of your hips). These running faults not only rob your performance but tend...