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Hip Pain,
Can I Run With A Hip Labral Tear?
That pinchy feeling in the front of the hip or groin…that nagging sharp pain with squatting or sitting that just seems like it won’t go away no matter how much rest you give it? You wonder, will this ever go away? Can I get back to running and other sports alike like I used to with a hip labral tear? Good news lies ahead....
Shoulder Pain,
Unbreakable Shoulders: Less injury, better function
Are you looking to develop unbreakable shoulders? Shoulder issues are some of the most common problems to both the general public and gym rats. Problems in the gym include pulling, pressing, and handstands. Likewise, activities like reaching into cabinets, buckling your seatbelt, or reaching in the backseat can be problematic. Oftentimes, people don’t even realize how integral the joint is...
Hip Pain,
The Achilles Tendinitis Fix For Runners
Ready to finally get rid of that nagging stiffness and pain in your ankle while you run? Is it time to enjoy running again? Learn how to fix achilles tendinitis to give you the freedom of pain-free running. ...
Low Back,
Common Deadlift Mistakes and How To Fix Them
Over the years, there has been a lot of fear around the deadlift. However, picking things off the ground is one of the most fundamental human movements. Picking children off the ground, grabbing a laundry basket, and lifting the couch to vacuum all require a loaded hip hinge. Furthermore, despite fear of injury from deadlifts, a properly performed and progressively...
Fitness Athlete,
Pelvic Floor,
Women's Health,
21 Signs You Need a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
Wonder if pelvic floor physical therapy may be right for you? Here are twenty-one signs you need a pelvic floor physical therapist. If you answered YES to any of these, it is time to see a pelvic floor specialist for a consultation. Pee Problems Frequent urination? Peeing before the gym, in the middle of the workout, AND after the workout? That’s...
Neck Pain,
Headaches Ruining your Day? Tips to Start Treating Headaches Today
Headaches can put a serious damper on your ability to enjoy your day and be productive. Did you know there is a different treatment based on which one is causing your symptoms? Consider some serious interventions to relieve your headache for good before reaching for the Advil. Learn How to Treat Headaches This article will focus on: Identifying five common...
Female Athlete,
Pregnancy & Postpartum,
CrossFit and Pregnancy: Modifications & Mindfulness
“Can I?” vs. “Should I?” While working with many pregnant athletes, it is a common conversation to discuss when it is necessary to modify a movement despite the athlete still being able to perform it. With the increase in social media in our life, it can provide a false sense of security to see others perform high-level skills while deep...
Low Back,
Fixing Lower Back Pain: 5 Tips to Take Control
It can happen to anyone: beginner to advanced athletes will all agree that a tweaked muscle, especially in your low back, is inevitable on your fitness journey. So now what? You may get a slew of recommendations on how to fix your low back pain, but how do you know which is best and will allow you to continue doing...
Fitness Athlete,
Is Your Squat Form Holding Back Your Fitness Progress?
Do you feel like your squat form continues to hold you back in workouts? Problems with squat form often fit into common patterns. The good news is, once you identify the pattern, the squat is much easier to work on. Below are some of the most common squat faults and some of our favorite cues to help. Common Squat...