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Featured image for “Running While Pregnant: The Bottom Line”
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 Female Athlete
 Pregnancy & Postpartum

Running While Pregnant: The Bottom Line

I’ve had many women approach me with similar questions regarding the safety of running while pregnant and how to progress through this exciting time. Becoming pregnant is an extremely exciting time. However, it can be stressful to navigate ensuring the health of your baby and the overload of information you often receive. In this article, we will cover the following:...
Featured image for “Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy: Postpartum Core Recovery”
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 Pregnancy & Postpartum

Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy: Postpartum Core Recovery

Whether or not you were active before your pregnancy, after carrying your growing little one for 9+ months, there’s no denying the impact it’s had on your entire body– especially your core! The hectic nature of being a new mom is overwhelming enough, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept the remaining effects. Think of this in terms of...
Featured image for “Top 3 Squat Myths Debunked”
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 Fitness Athlete

Top 3 Squat Myths Debunked

Most Common Squat Myths: Why Proper Squat Form is Important Squat Myth 1: Squats in general are dangerous.   We often see clients who were told by other medical providers that your back, hips, knees, etc are bad so you should not squat.  Should this person also not use the bathroom?  Should they not sit to have meals with their family? ...
Featured image for “Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Treatment”
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 Women's Health

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Treatment

Ever dealt with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)? You know how much it can interfere with the basic pleasures of life as well as how difficult it can be to find treatment! The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located right in front of your ear. This is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. This is an area of pain...
Featured image for “Mindfulness Meditation for Stress and Pain”
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Mindfulness Meditation for Stress and Pain

The holidays are upon us and it is a wonderful time of year.  Sadly, for many people, the holidays bring a great deal of stress.  Obviously, 2020 has thrown us tons of curveballs, and we would be naïve to think the 2020 holidays won’t come with additional stress.  However, we don’t have to be passive and let the stress overcome...
Featured image for “Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

It is literally a pain in your butt that is keeping you from doing the activities you love. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy can be a challenging condition to recover from. To make matters worse, we often see mediocre rehab, delaying the healing process. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) is one of the conditions we specialize in at Onward Physical Therapy, and we...
Featured image for “Are Your Running Shoes Defective?”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Are Your Running Shoes Defective?

We always consider our runners as a whole, not just their injuries. We look at form, training mileage, terrain, cross-training, etc. One thing we regularly examine when a runner comes into the clinic is the condition of their running shoes. Even if shoes are relatively new, it’s important to make sure they are free of defects and do not limit...
Featured image for “Running with Anterior Compartment Syndrome”
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 Lower Body

Running with Anterior Compartment Syndrome

At the end of a long day, few things feel better than unwinding with a long run to de-stress. But not when you are dealing with anterior compartment syndrome. This frustrating condition results in painful runs keeping your training volume far below what your goals demand. What Is Chronic Exertional Anterior Compartment Syndrome? Compartment syndrome is characterized as pain that...
Featured image for “Pain from Running with Shin Splints”
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 Lower Body

Pain from Running with Shin Splints

You’ve been absolutely killing it over the last several months and have finally been able to build up your running mileage! But over the last few weeks, you’ve noticed a subtle increase of a nagging pain beginning in your shins. As it starts to put a halt to your hard-earned increased mileage, you find yourself frantically researching your symptoms online....