Shoulder Pain

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain Onward Physical Therapy – Shoulder Pain Specialists Select a Location to Schedulethe Shoulder Pain Relief You deserve It happened again. You were in the gym or working around the house. You reached out and quickly your arm dropped from that sharp, shooting pain you’ve been hoping was finally gone.  Shoulder pain is far too common …

Returning To CrossFit and Weightlifting After Surgery

POST-INJURY OR SURGERY FITNESS PROGRAMMING Onward Physical Therapy Select a Location to SchedulePOST-REHAB FITNESS PLAN & PHYSICAL THERAPY You’ve spent the last few months rehabbing from an orthopedic surgery. No doubt you’re sick of theraband exercises, and want nothing more than to start throwing some weight around at your CrossFit or strength gym. But you haven’t touched a weight heavier …

TMJ Pain Relief

Physical Therapy for TMJ & TMD Onward Physical Therapy – TMJ Pain Specialists Select a Location to ScheduleTMJ Pain Relief The temporomandibular joint (aka the TMJ) can create significant life disturbances when irritated. Unlike many other joints, there is no avoiding your TMJ pain. If your knee hurts with running, you can find a different way to exercise. Back pain …

Headache Relief

Physical Therapy for Headaches Headache Specialists Select a Location to ScheduleTypes Of Headaches There are 3 main headache types, all of which have unique treatment methods. These types are migraine, tension, and cervicogenic. The key to creating long-term relief is to first determine which type of headache you are suffering from. Migraine: This is usually the most severe type, and …

Back Pain Relief

Physical Therapy for Back Pain Onward Physical Therapy – Back Pain Specialists Select a Location to ScheduleBack Pain Relief It happened again. That sudden sharp pain in your low back. Maybe you were picking something up off the floor and felt a “twinge,” or maybe it was an awkward movement during your workout. You can’t afford to lie in bed …

Hip Impingement

Physical Therapy for Hip Impingement Onward Physical Therapy – Hip Impingement Specialists Select a Location to ScheduleWHAT IS HIP IMPINGEMENT? Hip impingement is a general term to describe the conditions of femoroacetabular impingement, hip labrum tears, and cam & pincer impingement. Stated simply, it is a painful condition where the joint connecting the bones of the thigh and hip becomes …

Running Evaluation

Physical Therapy Running Evaluation Onward Physical Therapy – Running Injury Specialists Select a Location to ScheduleWhat Does a Running Evaluation Look Like? Our running evaluation is focused on the key variables that prevent you from performing at your best and / or are contributing to musculoskeletal injuries. The evaluation consists of a biomechanics assessment of your running form plus a …

Restore & Perform

Restore & Perform Decide to thrive Select a Location to ScheduleHurt less. get hurt less. At Onward, getting you out of pain is simple – we can help you achieve this rapidly. Building you a resilient body that allows you to perform and live at a level where you continue to stay pain free is a different story. Restore/perform is …