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Pregnancy & Postpartum,
Women's Health,
Promoting Optimal Healing: Physical Therapy Techniques for C-Section Management
Having a baby is an exciting time for families, but recovery following the delivery can be really challenging for moms regardless if they had a vaginal or cesarean birth. Many moms don’t have a follow up appointment until 6 weeks postpartum which can take a toll on the body while they are learning to care for a newborn. Many women...
Female Athlete,
Pregnancy & Postpartum,
C-Section Scar Management
No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for labor, nothing can truly make you feel ready, especially when it comes to a cesarean section. As you transition from pregnancy to new mom status, most women are left with a few reminders of what their body has endured. For women who gave birth via cesarean section, this often means...