Dry Needling for Low Back Pain

by brillity | August 8, 2024 |
 Low Back
Dry Needling for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints among adults. While most acute cases of low back pain typically resolve within a few weeks, there are some people who will develop a more chronic condition, anything lasting >12 weeks. Dry needling is a very effective tool to help relieve pain more quickly if you have had a recent flare up or are dealing with more chronic pain. This article will help you understand what dry needling is, how it works, and the benefits you can gain from it during your rehab process!

Understanding Dry Needling 

Dry needling is a skilled technique performed by a physical therapist using a non-medicated monofilament needle into the muscle tissues to treat pain, muscle function, and movement impairments. 

While the same type of needles are used for dry needling as acupuncture, they are two different techniques. Acupuncture originates in traditional ancient medicine which focuses on changing energy flow in the body. Dry needling aims to treat specific muscles with a more modern background and based on Western medical diagnosis. It focuses on needle placement directly to the dysfunctional muscles.

Does Dry Needling Work for Low Back Pain? 

As dry needling is a relatively newer treatment, more research is slowly emerging. “Studies, such as one by Rajfur et al in 2022, looked at dry needling for chronic low back pain. After receiving treatment for 4 weeks, they found that dry needling supplemented by an exercise program significantly reduced pain, increased range of motion, and improved function in low back pain patients (Rajfur et al., 2022).”

At Onward, we focus on dry needling combined with electrical stimulation to have a more profound impact. With this technique, trigger points aren’t aggressively needled which also means less soreness and discomfort during and after treatment. We gently insert needles into the affected area and use electrical currents to create light muscular contractions. The result is reduced muscle tension, less pain, and improved muscle activation after treatment. 

Dry Needling for Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain

We love using dry needling for all types of back pain at Onward and have found it highly effective. In the early stages of a flare up, we can place needles into the low back muscles or the surrounding regions. Then using the electrical current, the needles help to produce a muscle contraction for about 10-20 minutes and these contractions create a pumping system. This pump helps to bring fresh blood flow to the area and flush out inflammatory irritants. People often find immediate relief after treatment. These improvements then allow us to start exercising the injured or painful tissues for a faster recovery and get you working towards your long term strength and mobility goals.

We also love the therapeutic benefits of dry needling for chronic low back pain as well. When you are in chronic pain, the brain tries to protect those areas, which leads to tight and painful muscles. Dry needling can act as a great reset button for the nervous system. By inserting a needle, we can get directly to those deeper low back muscles that we can’t reach with our hands. Then using the electric current, we create a new input to the muscles and nervous system which in turn helps to downregulate pain, as well as decrease that muscle tension and guarding. The needles remain in anywhere between 5-20 minutes depending on treatment goals. 

Again, this pain reduction can help to create a period of time which allows you to start moving better and your PT can start providing you exercises. At Onward, we particularly love to strengthen the lower back muscles to get you feeling stronger whether it’s for your daily activities, hobbies, or sports. It’s important to note, dry needling is not a stand alone treatment. It is a great tool to create a short term change, but much more effective when combined with a comprehensive rehab plan and exercises to reinforce these changes. 

Ready to feel the effects of dry needling for your back pain? Find an Onward location near you to find out if it’s right for you!