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Featured image for “Shin Splints: Managing Pain and Promoting Recovery in Runners”
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 Fitness Athlete
 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body

Shin Splints: Managing Pain and Promoting Recovery in Runners

What are shin splints? Shin splits refers to a number of painful conditions in the lower leg that typically occur with physical activity such as running. While shin splints is the most common term used to describe pain in the lower leg, it is important to note that shin splints is not a helpful diagnosis. Shin splints is a generic...
Featured image for “Staying Healthy During Your Half, Full, or Ultra Marathon Training!”
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 Lower Body

Staying Healthy During Your Half, Full, or Ultra Marathon Training!

That race is coming up and it’s time to start putting in the miles. Whether you are going for that half marathon, marathon, or ultra marathon distance, you are bound to be spending some time on the road or trails over the next few months.  At Onward Bellingham, we specialize in working with runners. We can help maximize efficiency with...
Featured image for “Top 4 Causes of Shin Splints and How to Get Relief”
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 Lower Body

Top 4 Causes of Shin Splints and How to Get Relief

As the weather warms up and you’ve started adding miles to your runs, you might have started noticing a subtle increase of a nagging pain beginning in your shins. As the nagging pain increases and starts limiting your runs, you might do some research and find the internet talking about shin splints and many different ways to combat it. There...
Featured image for “Avoid These 5 Mistakes During Your Spring Running”
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 Lower Body

Avoid These 5 Mistakes During Your Spring Running

Eager to get back into running? Ready to start training for your next 5k, 10k, or marathon? Looking to hit a PR this year? Us too! So, avoid these 5 common running mistakes this Spring! ...
Featured image for “Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

It is literally a pain in your butt that is keeping you from doing the activities you love. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy can be a challenging condition to recover from. To make matters worse, we often see mediocre rehab, delaying the healing process. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) is one of the conditions we specialize in at Onward Physical Therapy, and we...
Featured image for “Are Your Running Shoes Defective?”
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 Hip Pain
 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Are Your Running Shoes Defective?

We always consider our runners as a whole, not just their injuries. We look at form, training mileage, terrain, cross-training, etc. One thing we regularly examine when a runner comes into the clinic is the condition of their running shoes. Even if shoes are relatively new, it’s important to make sure they are free of defects and do not limit...
Featured image for “Running with Anterior Compartment Syndrome”
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 Lower Body

Running with Anterior Compartment Syndrome

At the end of a long day, few things feel better than unwinding with a long run to de-stress. But not when you are dealing with anterior compartment syndrome. This frustrating condition results in painful runs keeping your training volume far below what your goals demand. What Is Chronic Exertional Anterior Compartment Syndrome? Compartment syndrome is characterized as pain that...
Featured image for “Pain from Running with Shin Splints”
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 Lower Body

Pain from Running with Shin Splints

You’ve been absolutely killing it over the last several months and have finally been able to build up your running mileage! But over the last few weeks, you’ve noticed a subtle increase of a nagging pain beginning in your shins. As it starts to put a halt to your hard-earned increased mileage, you find yourself frantically researching your symptoms online....
Featured image for “Best Exercises for Quad Strength for Runners”
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 Knee Pain
 Lower Body

Best Exercises for Quad Strength for Runners

Too many runners leave major performance gains on the table and suffer from far too many injuries by not strength training at a level that supports their sport. For those performing strength exercises, we often see the movements performed at intensities too low to help improve their fitness. For example, you’d never follow a training program that maxes out at...