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Female Athlete,
Low Back,
Gymnastics Back Pain Rehab Keys
Want to know how to get rid of back pain from gymnastics? When assessing Gymnastics back pain related to back-bending skills these three things must be looked at to ensure a full recovery. Analyzing the reason why the back pain happened can be very useful in returning a gymnast safely to the sport and limiting the chances of a recurrence...
Low Back,
Lower Back Sore After Deadlifts? Try These Movements for Relief!
It happens every time. Yesterday’s workout was full of deadlifts. High volume, heavy weights, and you thought about skipping all day (even as you pulled into the gym parking lot). This morning, you felt yourself dragging out of bed a bit slower than usual, the aching and soreness in your back weighing you down and commanding a gentler pace for...
Low Back,
Common Deadlift Mistakes and How To Fix Them
Over the years, there has been a lot of fear around the deadlift. However, picking things off the ground is one of the most fundamental human movements. Picking children off the ground, grabbing a laundry basket, and lifting the couch to vacuum all require a loaded hip hinge. Furthermore, despite fear of injury from deadlifts, a properly performed and progressively...
Low Back,
Fixing Lower Back Pain: 5 Tips to Take Control
It can happen to anyone: beginner to advanced athletes will all agree that a tweaked muscle, especially in your low back, is inevitable on your fitness journey. So now what? You may get a slew of recommendations on how to fix your low back pain, but how do you know which is best and will allow you to continue doing...
Fitness Athlete,
Low Back,
Managing a Back Pain Flare-Up
It happened again, that sharp/stabbing pain in your low back when you bent forward to pick something up. You know what happens next… For the next few weeks, you’ll be managing this flare-up. You wouldn’t believe how common this is, in fact, back pain flare-ups happen to almost everyone at some point in life. Here’s the problem: many people aren’t...
Low Back,
Stretches for Low Back Pain
It happened again. That sudden sharp pain in your low back. Maybe you were picking something up off the floor and felt a twinge. On the other hand, maybe it was an awkward movement during your workout. Whatever the reason, we’ve laid out our favorite stretches for low back pain to help fast track your recovery and get you back...
Hip Pain,
Knee Pain,
Low Back,
Lower Body,
Neck Pain,
Upper Body,
CrossFit After Shoulder Surgery
Since your initial injury, your mind is flooded with thoughts of getting back to your gym full speed. You’ve been longing for the day post-op to finally start Rx’ing workouts again. But yet you’re stuck drowning in anxiety from what you can and can’t do. Returning to snatches, kipping pull-ups, toes to bar, and muscle ups is a daunting challenge...
Hip Pain,
Knee Pain,
Low Back,
Lower Body,
Best Hip Strength Exercises for Runners
With the great weather lately, it’s no surprise we’re seeing more and more runners out working on building their mileage! Many of the common faults we see during our in-depth running form analysis relate back to a lack of lateral hip strength (the muscles on the side of your hips). These running faults not only rob your performance but tend...
Low Back,
Low Back Mobility Exercises
Dealing with pain or stiffness in your lumbar spine? At Onward Charlotte our physical therapy team specializes in treating low back pain. One important step in your rehab is determining if stiffness is contributing to your pain. For those with poor low back mobility these drills will help improve your motion and get you moving again! Low Back Mobility with...